
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Always learning...

Hello All,
I don't really have too much to say at this point. I'm still in Shepherdstown until graduation which is quickly approaching. In the midst of cleaning and packing, I have been so amused by so many things. My current lesson for the day: Straight vinegar cleans soap scum out of showers. While it is sad and difficult to start the string of many goodbyes, I find myself so at peace. I pray often for the people I am leaving. I have come to the very real conclusion that no one needs me; all just need more of Jesus. So I ask often that God would send someone else to show His love to the children, students, friends, and family who have stolen my heart. I have conducted my life for a while now--since high school--with the very real understanding that each phase in life is temporary. I only get so much time with the people that I love, and I have to use that time wisely. I think one of the most astounding things about leaving is seeing how loved I am. It's actually very difficult for me to realize and accept this love. If I could express anything about this school year, it has been that God has lavished so much of His love on me through the people in my life, and I am just drowning in it (in a good way). I have been so very blessed with amazing students, wonderful friends, loving adopted and biological family, and a great community here at Shepherd and in other places in my life. It's astounding.

Meanwhile, I dream of Honduras every night and awake with a smile on my face every day. I am so thrilled to be moving there. I know that this summer will pass quickly, so I am trying to savor this time and where God has me. As I shed material possessions and mementos from beloved memories, I am inspired by what awaits me and by this quotations from C. S. Lewis:
There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.
Always eager to grow,

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