Hello All,
This is only a quick update, but I talked to Roy yesterday, and he told me that he has been given his date for his visa interview. It will be October 27 at 8 AM (10 AM Eastern Standard Time). He's already begun the process of collecting the papers that he needs to show his ties to Honduras, and we've been creatively communicating back and forth so that he will have the answers that he needs to fill out his visa application because the answers have to be in English. It's so funny--every time I look at the next obstacle in the process, I get completely overwhelmed and think, "There's no way that he's going to want to mess with this. It's so ridiculous! So much unnecessary work and struggle. It's going to take him forever to do this. When is he going to find the time?" And then, I talk to him on the phone and tell him what the next step is, and he just calmly laughs and says, "Ok. Well, let's figure out how to do that!" His patience amazes me. At any rate, we would most definitely appreciate your prayers as he undergoes this process and especially for that visa interview which will ultimately determine whether or not he can come visit. We both just want God's will in the matter.
Thanks so much for reading!
Keep me posted on the interview! Roy will be fine...its all in God's hands and that is all that really matters. Love & miss you :)