
Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hello All,
Well, after a terribly long flight delay, a shift of plans, and literally running so as not to miss our flight to Mexico, we are here! I was so blessed by God's provisions in the little details of the trip. On the flight, I came across this quotation:
"The traveler sees what he sees; the tourist sees what he came to see." -- G. K. Chesterton
I like that because it addresses what attitude I want to take in any of my travels--that of a quiet observer, absorbing the life around me, rather than insisting that the world around me cater to my whims.

Anyway, the best way I can describe my sentiments of being here is this: When I stepped outside of the airport and was hit with the smell of diesel fumes and the chattering of Spanish, I was home. Mexico is different than Honduras undoubtedly, but there is just something about Latin America that is home. Mexico City has an all-consuming size. It's overwhelming, but we are now settled in Cuernavaca.

Our host mother is named Coco, and she is delightful. Her house is simply amazing, and already I feel quite spoiled. We don't have classes today, so we are spending our time getting acquainted with Coco, her three dogs, and the neighborhood.

I am so excited to be here, and I still can't get over just how blessed I am that God paved the way. I started reading a book containing Mother Theresa's journals, and I was struck by what her mother said to her whenever she left her home to be a nun:
"Put your hand in His [Jesus'] and walk alone with Him. Walk ahead, because if you look back you'll go back."
I gladly take those words to heart, knowing that what stretches before me in the will of God--however far out of my comfort zone--is infinitely better that the past I'm tempted to cling to.

With love,

1 comment:

  1. So glad you made it safely. As you are being stretched, so am I. God continues to show Himself faithful and your passion and unchanging faith amaze me! Mom
