
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Perils of Language

Being in another country and learning to speak another language is always humbling. When you're out of your element that much, it's pretty impossible to "fake it till you make it." But, some of the funniest moments happen in the midst of embarrassing mistakes. For example, my conversation teacher, Mariel, always asks me what I had to eat the day before. It's a cultural conversation starter. Yesterday, we had meatballs. However, I didn't know the word for "meatball" in Spanish, so, using circumlocution to get around it, I just said "pelota de carne" or "ball (generally a sports ball) of meat." Mariel laughed and laughed, and naturally, I joined in. When I told my host mother the story, she also laughed heartily, explaining a common idiomatic expression here: When there is a baby who is overly pudgy with cute rolls of fat and such, people call him or her "una bola de carne," which also translates to "ball of meat." So, I more or less said that I ate a pudgy baby for dinner yesterday. Way to go, Sarah. :D

Meanwhile, today went well. It was my last day of being 20-years-old. Twenty-one isn't really that big of a deal for me--not being a big drinker and all that--but it is exciting nonetheless. Last year was truly amazing, and I had no idea all of the things that God had in store for my twentieth year. So to awkwardly do a quick memory montage, let me recount some fantastic times: Going to Honduras. Meeting some amazing people and having God truly show me that Honduras is home. Survivig re-entry. Remembering that I love to write. My last year as an RA with wonderful residents. Guacamole nights with Anthony, my best friend. Learning to depend on God in the midst of fears--knowing that truly no one can snatch me from God's hands. Going to Jamaica. Having an amazing RA staff. Having wonderful classes and professors. Painting again. Living with loving and mothering roommates who truly kept me sane. Outings with my creative writing ladies. Working for The Picket, Shepherd University's newspaper--truly a valued learning experience. Tutoring. Moments of peace and laughter with my family. New friends and old friends. This year was quite a blessed one, and I can only imagine what amazing things God has in store for this one. It is unbelievably exciting because He has orchestrated every detail of my life. Last year, I spent my birthday in Honduras, and this year I spend it in Mexico! How very blessed I am and humbled by His infinite love.

With hope for His best,

1 comment:

  1. I mean you forgot to mention me in your list of happyings =O <3 jejeje
