
Monday, June 28, 2010

So grateful. . .

Hello All,
I have returned to La Esperanza, and I feel a million times better. I´m taking an antibiotic, and I still have a cough and some junk in my chest, but I´m doing so much better. It was a truly precious weekend. Saturday was mainly spent resting while yesterday two carloads of us went to the Teen Challenge branch about an hour from Tegus to visit Yino (spelling?), Nellie´s brother. Roy, Idania, Bladimir, me, and several other people I didn´t know well made the drive.

When we got there, a church service was in progress, and it was pretty amazing as it was obvious that the Spirit was moving. Afterward, we shared a picnic lunch, and I heard some of Yino´s testimony. Please keep him in your prayers. He has been there for roughly a month for drug/alcohol rehab. There is obviously quite a call on his life, and he is taking the steps needed to follow God´s will. Just pray that God would continue to lead him in this time of healing.

The whole weekend was a wonderful time of sharing and fellowship, and so much of God´s love was lavished on me that I hardly knew how to handle it. God is so very good, and He has blessed me immensely.

It was a little tricky getting back here as today is June 28--the one year anniversary of the ousting of ex-president Manuel Zelaya. There were numerous marches by the resistence today--the few that are still frustrated over Mel´s ousting; thus, several roads were closed. Lucky for me, Roy knows his way around Tegus, and he always manages to find a way to get around. My four hour bus ride went very smoothly.

I find it so amazing that this date once again finds me in this marvelous country. The more I see of Honduras, the more I tend to believe that it is the most beautiful country in the world. I am simply astounded that God has permitted me to be here yet another summer. While I am enjoying it so much, my heart longs for roots and permanence here--the chance to finally let it be home minus the suitcase. All in good time, though, I know.

Meanwhile, it´s back to teaching tomorrow. I was quite sad to leave Tegus (as always), but I´m getting much better at goodbyes since they seem to happen frequently now. I do want to serve and be a blessing to the best of my ability to my fellow volunteers and to my students while I´m in La Esperanza though, and I thank God once again for the privilege of being here.

With love,

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